Wednesday 19 February 2020

JUJUTSU- Martial art

JUJUTSU -Martial art

Jujutsu, also known as jujitsu or jiu-jitsu, is a Japanese martial art and a method of close combat for defeating an opponent in which one uses either a short weapon or none.
Jujutsu is a martial art that reflects the movements of an attack upon him or herself. Although Jujutsu has its origins in Chinese martial arts, it has been widely practiced in Japan since the sixteenth century. Jujutsu uses a series of techniques involving joint locks, small weaponry, and defensive tactics with an emphasis on conserving energy to neutralize an attacker. Some examples of martial arts that have developed from or have been influenced by jujutsu are aikido, bartitsu, hapkido, judo (and thence Brazilian jiu-jitsu and sambo), kajukenbo, krav maga, kapap, pangamot, and kenpo. Also, some schools went on to influence modern Japanese karate. Jujutsu is differentiated from many other martial arts like Karate because it is not an offensive martial art but assumes a counteroffensive (defensive) strategy.  The word "Jujutsu" can be translated to mean, “soft, gentle or flexible technique.” The small circular movements create mechanical leverage, as in the manipulation of a joint. The natural movements of Jujutsu are precise, robust and fluid. Many of the moves used in Jujutsu applied while in direct physical contact, in proximity for close-quarters fighting. The various striking techniques of jujutsu target vital areas such as the face, throat, groin, and back of the neck. Philosophically there remains a strong emphasis on fighting the internal enemy, within oneself and incorporating mind, body and spiritual concepts.



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